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Smetanka 4
Jess 1
Tihomir 1
#### 1
FnoRhafzha 1
Shafaddin 1
ahmed zizo 1
nancy 1
daus 1

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nighttime 1

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David 1

Category Other
Subject firdaus
Message firdaus ada lah yg diberi....seorg yg simple,happy jarang nk mare kalo x org yg wt dia mare....seorg yg senang nk memahami.....suka sports....2 lah diri sy kalo nk kenal msg lah sy
Author: daus Creation date: 23.09.2011, 00:33:35 Full text

Category Other
Subject hi
Message hi i am nancy
Author: nancy Creation date: 08.09.2011, 01:05:34 Full text

Category Other
Subject wealth
Message When you want to know how rich you do not prepare your money try to shed a tear and then count how many hands will be extended to erase .. these are the real wealth
Author: ahmed zizo Creation date: 21.08.2011, 16:42:52 Full text

Category Other
Subject Love it three drive...inclination of the mind,body and soul..
Message Love it three drive...inclination of the mind,body and soul..
Author: Shafaddin Creation date: 18.08.2011, 21:50:15 Full text

Category Other
Subject my lo0b fam...& lover
Message sSSSSSSssstttttttt......hanya aku dan dya...idup mem’lukn member...so0o0 kita cri member byak2....hehehehhe
Author: FnoRhafzha Creation date: 17.08.2011, 02:21:58 Full text

Category Other
Subject El amor no es imposible...
Message Amor imposible si es posible...
No.No es posible...
Todo es posible.
Author: #### Creation date: 24.06.2011, 18:08:49 Full text

Category Other
Subject MY LIFE
Author: Tihomir Creation date: 20.04.2011, 11:49:51 Full text

Category Other
Subject Assalamualaikum...
Message Hai.. semua.. aku bru je join chatmalaysia ni.. sudi2 add aku k...
Author: Jess Creation date: 04.04.2011, 04:21:16 Full text

Category Other
Subject readit
Message Perfume hint caught
Memory sparked
That year I was in love

Eager heart leapt
Lesson relearned
Forever is but a word

Freely falling fast
Feeling remembered
And missed

Past replaces present
Eyes now tightly closed
Smile grazes lips

Midnight phone calls
Sultry afternoons
Slinky black dress

Past recedes to past
I’ll always believe
I loved you best
Author: Smetanka Creation date: 29.06.2010, 10:44:57 Full text

Category Other
Subject I blew out my flip-flop.
Message I blew out my flip-flop.

No, really, I did. Last night, walking from the apartment to the car. One instant I was walking normally, my feet happily nestled in their open-air home. And the next, it was over.

I always knew this was gonna happen. This is precisely why I keep a spare pair of flip-flops in my vehicle, and have for years. Sure, people made fun of me. But I stood strong. Because with open-toed shoes, you never know. No one can predict the life of a flip-flop. Sometimes ...
Author: Smetanka Creation date: 29.06.2010, 10:44:07 Full text

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