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lara ivanova

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энергичная женщина, творческая личность ищет порядочного мужчину

Birthday 24.03.1954
Sign of the Zodiac Aries
Gender Female
Orientation You must be at least a Free member to view this data
Body type You must be at least a Free member to view this data
Type of Relationship for long relationship
Country Ukraine
Email You must be at least a Silver member to view this data
Phone You must be at least a Silver member to view this data
States/Province Kherson - Херсон - Khersons`ka
City kherson
Marital status Divorced
Children 2
Height 5'5" (166cm)
Weight 145 lbs (66kg)
Hair color Chestnut
Eyes color Green
Religion Christian
Smoke Non-Smoker
Drink Never drink
Education Post graduate
Known languages English, Russian
Seeking gender Male
Seeking country Austria, Bulgaria, Poland
Seeking age 14 - 60
Seeking height 4'2" (127cm) - 7'0" (213cm)
Seeking weight 80 lbs (36kg) - 300 lbs (136kg)
Registration date 04.12.2010, 19:54:27
Last access You must be at least a Free member to view this data
User type Free member
User online status You must be at least a Free member to view this data
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